Nothing highlights the futility of writing to the void quite like realising that the very posts you’ve written aren’t even making it live. To make matters worse, you yourself haven’t even realised ...
Oops, I broke the pipeline
On Grief
It’s been a while since I last wrote anything on here. I’d love to say it’s because I’ve been too busy doing amazing, exciting things in life right now, but that’s regrettably not the case. The la...
Book Review: Hyperfocus
So it seems I’m on a bit of a productivity book binge at the moment, as fresh on the heels of Atomic Habits, I found myself diving right into Hyperfocus: How to manage your attention in a world of ...
Trying again with an office plant
About 2 years ago I somewhat unintentionally became a houseplant person. As with many new hobbies, this rapidly spiralled out of control, so now the house is populated with approximately 25 plants ...
Maybe LLMs are a good thing for writing
A diplomat is a man who uses many more words than necessary to express much less than he knows. - Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen, Gwent - The Witcher Card Game A thought struck me the other day when w...
Write about nice things
Every now and then fate delivers a piece of evidence you really need to see, serendipitously just when you need to see it (or in Hollywood’s case, this actually happens all the time). So, as I was ...
Fun with atom feeds
One key criteria for me when choosing blogging platforms is having an easy to use RSS/Atom feed. Jekyll usually supports this pretty well out of the box, and the theme I chose does a pretty good jo...
Book Review: Atomic Habits - James Clear
I’m normally somewhat sceptical of self-help guides as, while they often contain an interesting idea, meaningful exploration of this idea is usually not enough to fill a 200+ page book. Therefore, ...
A New Start
“I should start a blog” Great idea me! I’ve always had way to much too say about many things, and what better way to satisfy my inner blabbermouth than throwing those opinions out to the wider in...