
Mid Year(ish) Roundup

I initially started this post back at the end of July with the hope to have it out early August. However due to my somewhat glacial pace of writing at the moment, it has made this review seem ev...

Lord of Light book cover

Book Review: Lord of Light

TL;DR This is a phenomenal book. The below paragraphs will now ramble on about how phenomenal I think this book is while trying to remain spoiler free. Review Sometimes… a random stranger on the...

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Book Review: The Long Utopia

TL;DR If you’ve not already committed to this series, I’d advise you don’t start now… Review Book 4 of ‘The Long Earth’ series has thoroughly cemented the series as probably one of the most frus...

So I managed to delete all my drafts...

“Insert some pearl of wisdom about backups here” Yup. Anyone who spends any amount of time around computers has heard it Ad nauseum. Backup your work. Especially if you’re in the habit of rou...

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Book Review:The Long Mars/Earth/War (Books 1-3)

Yes, in that order. So I’ve had it on my mind to read The Long Earth collaboration between Stephen Baxter & Terry Pratchett for several years, and recently found the time/space between other b...

The Insults I Didn't Realise I Needed

Being a relative newbie to the linux desktop scene, with barely a decade under my belt, I still have the joy of stumbling across various easter eggs left in systems throughout the years. ILoveCandy...

Clonezilla, Still Simple... Still Great

The first tenet of the Unix Philosophy largely boils down to do one thing, do it well. Over time, I’ve often found the tools I always come back to are largely the ones that adhere in some fashion t...

2023 End of Year Roundup

The 2 months of Christmas in the UK have finally come an end and with it 2023 limps towards its closing stretch. It’s certainly been an interesting year, full of (at times) unpleasant surprises. Th...

Oops, I broke the pipeline

Nothing highlights the futility of writing to the void quite like realising that the very posts you’ve written aren’t even making it live. To make matters worse, you yourself haven’t even realised ...

On Grief

It’s been a while since I last wrote anything on here. I’d love to say it’s because I’ve been too busy doing amazing, exciting things in life right now, but that’s regrettably not the case. The la...