Home The Insults I Didn't Realise I Needed

The Insults I Didn't Realise I Needed

Being a relative newbie to the linux desktop scene, with barely a decade under my belt, I still have the joy of stumbling across various easter eggs left in systems throughout the years. ILoveCandy being a classic example of this in action (sadly, have not found anything similar for apt just yet). Some people say it gets annoying after the novelty wears off. I don’t see this happening yet, as I search for any reason to install packages just to see pacman do his thing.

Therefore, imagine my joy on finding this section while innocently fixing other issues. So now, whenever I cludge a sudo password, rather than being frustrated with this boring, polite notice:

[sudo] password for user: 
Sorry, try again.

I’m now greeted with this wonder:

[sudo] password for user:
You speak an infinite deal of nothing

Or one of many other options:

[sudo] password for user:
Speak English you fool -- there are no subtitles in this scene.

There really is nothing more to be said here - It’s simply wonderful.

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