Home So I managed to delete all my drafts...

So I managed to delete all my drafts...

“Insert some pearl of wisdom about backups here”

Yup. Anyone who spends any amount of time around computers has heard it Ad nauseum. Backup your work.

Especially if you’re in the habit of routinely reinstalling you work machines, obliterating anything that was stored on disk in the process.

So while this blog happily lives on Github, there is a key line in the gitignore:


Yup. In my infinite wisdom, when starting I decided that for neatness sake, my drafts shouldn’t live in the git repo with everything else. Not unforgivable logic in abstract, however it does require follow up in the form of some other mechanism of backup needs to exist for these. A follow up that clearly never happened.

So when I pulled my blog repo onto the fresh desktop to begin work on some ongoing pieces, imagine my surprise when I found… nothing.


Backup your work kids, it’ll save you from feeling really stupid later down the line.

At least I can take small comfort in the knowledge that most of if probably wasn’t worth publishing anyway…

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.